Media-Item: Export

Dictation Commands for exporting media items from Photos.

Change Export Copyright String
This command will display a text input dialog in which you enter the copyright string to use to overlay exported images. Once a string has been stored, it will be used without prompting until this command is given t change it.
Export to File with Default Names
Export the selected media items to files named using the existing file names. The media items are exported in high-quality JPEG format.
Export to File as Sequence
Export the selected media items to files named sequentially using the user-provided base name. The media items are exported in high-quality JPEG format.
Export to New Presentation
Export the selected media items to a new Keynote presentation.
Export with Copyright Overlay in Black
Export the selected media items to a new JPEG files overlaid with your default copyright export string. The color of the text overlay is black.
Export with Copyright Overlay in White
Export the selected media items to a new JPEG files overlaid with your default copyright export string. The default color of the text overlay is white.